Are we born more than once in this earth? In fact there are claims that we are born many times and that in some cases past life memories do exist.
Sometimes when a child screams or cry we might not understand why. There are times the parents rush their children to the clinic when they start screaming or crying uncontrollably, for no apparent reason. A child might even stop crying all of a sudden in the same way it started even before the doctor attend to the child. Well, of course the doctor might also not able to ‘diagnose’ the cause or identify the problem since it could be beyond our human reasoning or understanding.
Below is case extracted from the book “Children’s Past Lives” by Carol Bowman. She relates a verified story of how Past live memories affects a child.
The Story of Nicola’s Catharsis
One story in particular sparked me the most. Of an of the Harrisons’ great cases, the case of Nicola was the only one that described a catharsis and a healing.
On her second birthday Nicola was surprised with a gift from her parents, a little toy dog. She got very excited and told her mother the toy reminded her of her dog Muff, “the same as the other dog I had before.” Nicola’s mother, Kathleen, thought her daughter’s fantasy play was amusing but soon forgot it. But in the days that followed, she noticed that Nicola had regular conversations with the toy dog, asking if he remembered the fun they had shared in the past. Kathleen noticed because Nicola’s persistence in this “fantasy” was most unusual.
One day Kathleen was taken completely off guard when Nicola asked her, in a gush, why she wasn’t a boy this time like she was before when Mrs. Benson was her mommy and she played with Muff. This time Kathleen encouraged Nicola to tell he tell her more. That was all Nicola needed for the story of her past life to pour out.
She said her family had lived in a gray stone house that was in the “middle of four houses joined together in a row” and next to railway tracks; her mother wore long skirts, the same Victorian style clothing her dolly wore now, and the town they lived in was Haworth; she and her dog roamed the fields around her house and her “other Mummy” always warned her not to play near the railway tracks, but one day she was playing on the railway tracks when a tram “came up fast and knocked me over.” Men took her to a hospital where “I went to sleep and died and I saw God in Heaven before I was born. But I didn’t really die. I came to you instead and you got to be my other Mummy.”
This flood of detail couldn’t be ignored. Little Nicola’s story was so convincing that Kathleen took her to Haworth, a short drive away, to see if her daughter would recognize anything. Neither Nicola nor Kathleen had ever been to Haworth, but as soon as they got there, Nicola skipped down streets and unmarked lanes leading to the outskirts of town. She took her mother directly to the house she had described: one in the middle of four graystone townhouses. Everything matched Nicola’s description perfectly, including the surrounding fields and the railway tracks.
Kathleen pursued her daughter’s past life memory. Since she had a name and an address as leads, she decided to check the records of the parish church to see if she could verify the accuracy of Nicola’s recollection. She opened the yellowed pages of the old census book and her heart “skipped a beat.” She found the “Benon family listed (an unusual name for that parish). They had one son, who was born in 1875. But the next census, taken six years later, listed the same Benson family with two young girls, aged three years and six months-but no son! Since the census required that each family member always be listed, Kathleen concluded that the little boy Nicola remembered must have died when he was between five and six years old.
Nicola’s was a remarkable case of spontaneous memory, with details that could be verified by her mother. But her story goes beyond mere recollection of derails.
One night, soon after their expedition to Haworth, Nicola’s family was sitting around the television watching a movie. On the screen appeared a train thundering down the tracks. Immediately Nicola went into hysterics. Threw herself down on the floor and thrashed about wildly, gasping for air. Kathleen ran to her, panicked, not knowing what had come over her little girl so suddenly. Nicola was inconsolable and started crying out repeatedly, “The train, the train!” Kathleen turned off the TV, and Nicola immediately stopped screaming, but continued to cry. Cathleen understood in an instant that the sight of the train had reminded Nicola of her death when she was the Benson boy. And she understood that Nicola was reliving that terrifying death. Because Kathleen knew what was happening, she let Nicola cry it out in her arms, not denying her fear of the train. After a while Nicola calmed down and was fine.
Nicola was never afraid of trains again. By the age of live she had forgotten almost everything about her life as the Benson boy-with one exception. She never forgot her pet dog, Muff.
What had happened with little Nicola? I was struck by what could be verified through historical records, Kathleen believed beyond a doubt that Nicola had lived before as the Benson boy and had been killed by a train. So when Nicola was re-experiencing her death on the living room floor, yelling hysterically about the train, Kathleen didn’t mistake her daughter’s fit for random hysteria. She knew without taking the time to think that it was a consequence of her daughter’s past life memory. She immediately saw the connection, knew it was true, and gave Nicola her loving support. She didn’t hamper the process with doubt. The memory ran its natural course, culminating in catharsis, giving Nicola a chance to finally vent the terror that had been trapped in her since the train ran her down so long ago. Then the memory faded and disappeared.